
Showing posts from February, 2017

Leia's lap dance

Star Wars  é um dos meus filmes favoritos, mas, ainda assim, tem detalhes que me incomodam. A verdade é que, desde 1977, esta soap opera espacial estado-unidense tem vindo a revolucionar o cinema —  foi um dos primeiros  blockbusters da história e dos primeiros a vender merchandising,  tendo uma fan base forte.  Há, contudo, a meu ver, um pequeno problema —   a Princesa Leia . Apesar de uma das minhas personagens favoritas, sofreu uma enorme sexualização e objetificação no grande ecrã e no merchandising . Trata-se de uma personagem forte e cheia de personalidade, mas o que se põe em causa é como foi recebida, vendida   e transformada num objecto . Durante os filmes, foi inúmeras vezes salva por figuras masculinas,  acabando por ser reduzida a uma personagem menor, uma e outra vez, estando apenas no ecrã para polvilhar a visão masculina de uma figura feminina. Tudo isto - objetificação da mulher - vai acabar por culminar no  popular traje sexualizado –

evaluation proposal_2

1.  Attendance – 5% Come to class and be alive, please! You are responsible for your own learning in this community that we will make together throughout the semester. I will gladly think together with you and ask some questions about the texts we will be dealing with. Please make sure you get the requested bibliography (the printed texts are available at the Red Photocopy House + buy 2 books:  The Medium is the Massage , Marshall McLuhan and  Ways of Seeing , John Berger, currently available at the faculty's bookstore for 10€ each volume) and read/watch/browse the texts set in the calendar beforehand, in order to be ready to discuss them with the group. 2.  Participation and written exercises – 15% Participation in the class discussions. (At least) 1 post in the blog commenting on one of our texts (either theoretical or included in the case studies sections). At least 3 comments to your colleagues' posts in the blog. Print and turn in a list of your

Dolls_Eudora Welty

Eudora Welty (1909-2001) was a US fiction writer and photographer that depicted the black community in Mississippi during the Depression, while she was working as a journalist for the WPA (Works Progress Administration, Franklin Delano Roosevelt). This photograph is titled Dolls  (Jackson, 1935-36).

'Mad Men'_2

I have sent you via We Transfer 3 episodes of the series 'Mad Men' that you will have to download as soon as possible, please "Mad Men is an American period drama television series created by Matthew Weiner and produced by Lionsgate Television. The series premiered on July 19, 2007, on the cable network AMC" You will have to watch the 1st and the last episodes of the series , please. If you have any problems getting them, please ask your colleagues for help.

you can post now!

Dear students, I hope you're well. To post in our blog, please log in with the following account The password has been sent to you by email   then open a new tab at "" and you will be redirected to our blog. If you have any doubts, please check this tutorial. All questions should be sent to Thanks.